CoStation Insight Talk – Smart Cities

Par · 09/04/2018
On 24/04/2018
5 Place Sainte-Gudule, 1000 Brussels
Organisé par
CoStation Bruxelles

Disruptive innovation will happen through collaboration.

Digital transformation and innovation are imperative for all businesses. Our “Insight Talks” aim to answer some of the common questions around digital transformation and technology trends. 

The mix of technology, data capture, communication flows, transparency and security make the concept of Smart Cities a complex subject to understand.

By demystifying a few key topics, we propose with this first Insight Talks and open and interactive session to answer fundamental questions: what’s the impact of IOT on GDPR? Can blockchain be the adequate technology for secure, decentralized data transfer?

Information and registration via this link.

Location: CoStation Brussels, 5 Place Sainte-Gudule, 1000 Brussels.